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FAQs About Water Softener Installation

A water softener is an affordable, simple solution to problems caused by hard water in your home. Hard water can lead to issues like soap scum buildup, clogged drains, and dry skin and hair, negatively impacting your family’s health and well-being.

Water softeners reduce the mineral buildup in your pipes and water heater by replacing calcium and magnesium with sodium ions. 


How do water softeners work?

Water softeners trade hardness-causing minerals like calcium and magnesium for sodium ions. They can significantly reduce soap scum buildup, prevent scale formation in your pipes and appliances, extend the life of your water heater and washing machine, and even help relieve dry skin and itchy scalp conditions.

The typical water softener consists of a mineral tank filled with tiny polystyrene beads, resin, or zeolite with a negative charge. When water enters the tank, it passes over the resin beads and exchanges its hardness-causing minerals for sodium ions. Then, the water is rinsed off the resin beads and into a drain. The salty brine solution regenerating the resin tank contains sodium ions, producing additional softened water while removing hardness-causing minerals from your home’s plumbing system.

Some people use magnetic water softeners that change the chemical composition of the water instead of physically removing it. However, this approach has several drawbacks: it produces less-than-ideal results and can lead to unpleasant chemical odors and tastes. It can also clog the softener’s resin with mud and clay. And, since the copper in plumbing systems is a necessary nutrient, long-term use of magnetic water softeners can deplete your household of essential minerals.

Water contaminants are removed using a semipermeable membrane in reverse osmosis. These devices effectively remove calcium and magnesium but cannot remove all other contaminants. They are also expensive to operate and use a large amount of energy.

What are the benefits of installing a water softener?

In addition to better-tasting water, many benefits come with having a water softener installed in your home. These include:

Healthier Skin & Hair

Hard water can leave mineral buildup on your skin and hair, resulting in dryness or irritation. Water softeners help eliminate this buildup, leaving you with softer, healthier skin and hair.

Reduced Soap Scum Buildup

Water with high levels of calcium and magnesium ions is considered challenging and can accumulate soap scum in sinks, bathtubs, and showers. Water softeners eliminate this buildup, helping you save money on cleaning products and making your household cleaners more effective.

Improved Plumbing Flow

Hard water can leave mineral coatings in your pipes and restrict water flow to fixtures. Water softeners prevent clogs and plumbing issues by removing coatings, ensuring smooth water flow.

Longer Appliance Life

Water-based appliances like your washer, dryer, dishwasher, and water heater can suffer from the problems associated with hard water. These issues can shorten their lifespan and increase repair costs over time. By installing a water softener in your New Braunfels home, you can prevent these problems and extend the lifespan of your appliances.

Do I need a water softener?

While hard water isn’t harmful, it often damages your home and appliances. Over time, it can lead to limescale buildup, soap scum residue, mineral deposits on fixtures, and shortens the life of your washing machine. Those problems can add up, costing you thousands of dollars in repairs and replacements.

A water softener installation can save you money in the long run by preventing these costly issues. Choosing a water softener installation in New Braunfels designed for your specific situation is the best way to ensure you benefit most from your investment.

However, water softeners don’t remove all minerals and gases from the home’s water supply. While a water softener will reduce magnesium and calcium, it won’t eliminate other substances like iron (which can cause rust stains) or hydrogen sulfide gas (which causes the rotten egg smell). Invest in a reverse osmosis water filtration system if you experience these issues at home.

How much does it cost to install a water softener?

A water softener system installation costs can vary from home to home. Choosing the type of water softening system and considering the capacity of your house’s water supply are significant factors in determining the project’s cost.

The most common type of water softener system is an ion exchange, which flows the water through a resin tank with a large salt pellet bin. The system removes hard calcium and magnesium ions and replaces them with sodium ions, which don’t cause damage. These systems are the most popular and affordable option for households with hard water.

Other types of water-softening systems include salt-free and mechanical filters. These are less expensive and offer a different level of performance than an ion exchange system. A whole filtration system is another option that costs more but offers superior performance.

Another factor influencing water softener installation costs is the type of water testing you need to determine your home’s water quality and what type of water softening system is best for your house. The price range for this service falls between $100 and $500.

It’s also important to consider the ongoing maintenance costs of your new water softener. These costs can increase over time, including annual flushing, inspections, and restocking of salt or potassium tanks.