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Myths About Drain Cleaning You Should Be Aware Of

If you’re dealing with a clogged drain, you’ve probably come across some questionable DIY advice or false information about drain cleaning Las Vegas-based. But as professional drain cleaners with years in the business, we’re here to set the record straight about some common myths homeowners believe. Arm yourself with accurate facts before you or your pipes get hurt trying ineffective, or even dangerous, techniques. 


You Can Easily Unclog Drains Yourself

We know the temptation to grab that cheap chemical drain cleaner from the store when your sink backs up. Advertisements make it seem like these powerful formulas dissolve clogs easily. However, while commercial products boast impressive claims, many can actually eat away at pipes and cause corrosion or leaks over time from overuse. Trust us – handling severe, recurring clogs yourself often leads to bigger plumbing headaches.

Hot Water Will Clear Serious Clogs

While a simple flush of boiling water can help clear minor debris, don’t believe everything you read about it unclogging fully blocked pipes on its own. In reality, if you’ve got standing water and backed up drains, a quick hot water blast likely won’t do the trick. You usually need serious plumbing equipment to apply enough sustained pressure and suction to clear out dense clog-causing gunk. Take it from the pros – reaching for anything more than a kettle is unwise when facing serious drain blockages.

Cheap Tools Unclog As Well As Professional Gear

You can find all sorts of drain cleaning gadgets at hardware stores marketed to homeowners. And we get the appeal – no one wants to call out a plumber if you think a device you bought for $20 will get the job done just as well, right? However, reality check: quality professional-grade drain augers and hydrojetters far exceed capabilities of flimsy consumer snake cables and attachments in our experience. Don’t waste money and risk injury on DIY gear better left to the experts.

Plungers Are No Match For Serious Clogs

We’ll admit – for light sink clogs, standard plungers work wonders. A few vigorous pumps help dislodge accumulated gunk. However, despite what some blogs or YouTube tutorials claim, average plungers simply can’t cut through dense masses clogging main drains. Repeated plunging usually just stirs up debris without propelling it down pipes, while also wearing you out! Save your strength and let our professional hydrojetting equipment blast away years of buildup.

A Clog Will Eventually Fix Itself

You may be tempted to just wait it out when faced with a slowed or clogged drain, hoping the problem resolves on its own. And we get the mindset – after all, many homeowners reason that stuff eventually has to dissolve or wash away down the pipes, right? But unfortunately, that’s not the reality. Serious clogs fully blocking water flow require mechanical clearing, whether using plunger suction or pipe-threading augers. And even partial clogs tend to get worse over time as more debris, soap scum, and mineral deposits accumulate. Don’t buy into wishful thinking that a drainage issue will disappear if ignored. Take action by calling for professional drain cleaning services to get your water flowing freely again.

Hopefully we’ve helped dispel some common myths homeowners believe when faced with clogged drains. Don’t go blindly trying chemical cleaners or flimsy homeowner snakes that make big promises but fail to deliver. As the local drain professionals, we’ve got the right tools and knowledge to clear your pipes quickly and safely. Reach out anytime for honest expertise your drains deserve.