Healthy Living

Why Your Data Matters in Healthcare: Privacy, Security, and More

Healthcare is a complex industry with many moving parts. Data is key to bringing digital transformation to healthcare, so it’s important that everyone understands the benefits of using data in this industry. Healthcare data can be used for more than just patient records. There are so many ways that healthcare data can be used to make patient lives easier and safer. Here are some examples of how data can improve your healthcare experience and why you should care about it as an individual or employee.


Why Data Matters in Healthcare

Anyone involved in health care knows that data is valuable to the industry. But it’s worth taking a moment to review exactly why data matters in healthcare. After all, there are plenty of industries that use data. The difference with health care is that data is directly tied to people’s lives and health. That means that data security is critical. Healthcare data is protected by HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) which provides guidelines around how health data should be used and stored. That data also needs to be easily accessible so doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers can use it when needed.

Data Security

One of the biggest challenges with data in healthcare is that it’s often stored on paper records. While some medical facilities are moving to electronic medical records (EMRs), many patients are still dealing with paper records. That’s a growing problem as medical records are becoming increasingly digital.

Medicare Beneficiary Identifier

Medicare beneficiary identifier is a 5-digit number issued by the Social Security Administration. It includes a unique identification number that identifies you as an individual. The Medicare beneficiary identifier is also used to identify other people receiving benefits through your Medicare enrollment. The Medicare beneficiary identifier is required if you have Medicare health insurance coverage and you want to take advantage of all the benefits offered by Medicare.

Remote Patient Monitoring

As more providers use digital medical records, there’s an opportunity to expand the ways in which patients interact with their providers. Remote patient monitoring is one way to do that. Rather than coming into the office once or twice a year, providers can offer remote monitoring that allows patients to check in whenever they need to.

Data Diagnostics

HCC is a coding system that’s used to help providers quickly understand the main symptoms that are impacting a patient. The HCC system codes a patient’s condition based on the main symptoms they’re experiencing (think fever, cough, and sore muscles). The hierarchical condition category coding is used by doctors to write up a diagnosis and a prognosis. It’s also used to help patients understand their own illnesses.

Blockchain Technology in Healthcare

Blockchain was developed as a way to record transactions and keep data safe thanks to complex encryption that makes it very difficult for hackers to access the information. Digital transformation is bringing blockchain to the forefront in many industries, including healthcare. Blockchain technology could be used for everything from medical records to insurance claims. Healthcare data is used for everything from research to monitoring disease outbreaks and epidemics. Data is also used for quality control, to make sure that medical facilities are providing the best care possible. Data is also used for public health campaigns and public relations.