Healthy Living

4 Things That Can Help You Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition which causes skin inflammation. Normally, you will see patches of red and scaly skin. If you develop psoriasis once in your life, it will come and go on various occasions. This is why it’s important to learn how to manage psoriasis flare-ups and prevent them from occurring as often. Although there is no cure for this condition, there are still plenty of treatments and home remedies that you can try. Today, we will share our top tips to help you prevent psoriasis flare-ups and take care of your skin in the best way possible.


Moisturising Creams

Moisturising is one of the most important things you will need to do if you have psoriasis. When your skin is dry, symptoms can get worse, so it’s important to make moisturising a part of your everyday routine. It’s essential to find the right products to treat psoriasis, including lotions, balms, and creams, to achieve the best results possible. Be sure to look for moisturisers which contain petrolatum or liquid paraffin, as they can be particularly helpful for treating psoriasis. Alternatively, you can try other methods, such as applying coconut oil and aloe vera gel, as they both have anti-inflammatory properties. If psoriasis has affected your scalp, it’s key to keep this area moisturised as well.

Vitamin-D Based Treatments

Vitamin-D based treatments are often used to treat psoriasis, as they can slow down the rate at which skin cells increase. You may find them as lotions, creams, or ointments, which makes them easy to use. It’s important to learn more about psoriasis and the treatments that can help you prevent flare-ups. There are also different types of psoriasis, so you should spend some time researching what they are so that you can identify a clear plan for treatment. When it comes to choosing vitamin-D based treatments, remember that they might not be suitable for everyone.

Regular Exposure To Sunlight

Regular exposure to sunlight can help you reduce symptoms of psoriasis, as UV radiation has immunosuppressive effects. Another great option that you may consider is UV light therapy, which can also be beneficial in reducing skin inflammation. However, natural sunlight works best thanks to its anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects. Whenever you are spending time outside, it’s also crucial to avoid skin damage caused by sunburn. Therefore, you should always remember to apply sunscreen and limit the time you spend outside during the hottest parts of the day.

Elimination Diet

As with other aspects of health, your diet plays a key role in improving your psoriasis symptoms. However, food triggers might be different for everyone, so you may consider trying an elimination diet to determine which foods might be causing your flare-ups. Start by removing a few food groups and record any changes that you may see in your symptoms. If you have gluten sensitivity, it may be a good idea to avoid gluten for some time and notice the effects on your skin. It’s also important to find out more about foods that may trigger skin inflammation, such as sugary and processed foods.