Healthy Living

Choosing the Right Size of Hearing Aid Batteries

Choosing the right size of hearing aid batteries will have a significant impact on the overall lifespan of your hearing aids. Also, choosing between disposable or rechargeable batteries for your hearing aid is essential. The decision is based on personal preference and the benefits of each type.


Identifying the correct size

Identifying the correct size of hearing aid batteries is crucial when buying a hearing aid. Batteries are usually made with different sizes and voltages. Depending on the hearing aid, larger batteries may last longer and have more power. However, the average battery life will be determined by individual use. Manufacturers use the color of the tabs to make identification easier. Size 10 batteries are small and are usually used in smaller hearing aids. They are available in yellow, orange, blue, and brown. They have an average lifespan of three to seven days. Size 13 hearing aid batteries are intermediate in size. They have typically used in Behind the Ear (BTE) hearing aids. Their bright orange label quickly identifies them. They also have an average lifespan of 240 hours. They are used both behind the ear and entirely in the canal (CIC) hearing aids. Size 675 hearing aid batteries are more prominent and usually used in cochlear implants. They have a longer lifespan than the other sizes. They have an average lifespan of 300 hours. They are used in BTE hearing aids, and some hearing aids may require an alternate type of battery.

Rechargeable vs. disposable

A rechargeable battery may be more convenient and may save you money in the long run. On the other hand, you’ll have to charge your hearing aid every night. Alternatively, you could purchase disposable batteries. Disposable batteries are inexpensive and very easy to find. They’re also easy to change out. The most significant advantage of rechargeable batteries is that they last a long time, which is more than enough time to get through a week’s worth of wearing. Unlike disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries are not reusable. In addition, they require more care. They need to be kept in a safe place to avoid accidental misuse. The battery itself should be recycled correctly, according to local recycling regulations. Rechargeable batteries are generally the better choice. The batteries themselves are made from lithium-ion and are safe for disposal. They can hold a charge for up to 24 hours. The charging process is also much more straightforward. You can even purchase a portable charger to keep your hearing aid charged on the go. 


Depending on the hearing aid and its use, the longevity of hearing aid batteries can range from several days to several months. However, the batteries will last for years if you take suitable precautions. There are two types of batteries that are used in hearing aids. These include silver-zinc batteries and lithium-ion batteries. The latter is more environmentally friendly, as they contain no mercury. But they do need to be replaced regularly. The lifespan of a hearing aid battery depends on several factors, including the battery type, usage, and storage conditions. The most basic way to keep your batteries healthy is to ensure they are at a room temperature of between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This is better than storing them in a refrigerator, as many modern batteries cannot handle extreme temperatures. One of the best ways to preserve battery life is to use lithium-ion batteries. These are small and are more environmentally friendly than their silver-zinc counterparts. When using a lithium-ion battery, make sure you are storing it properly. Most lithium-ion batteries want to remain in a charged range of 20 to 80 percent. This range is the sweet spot for battery performance and longevity.

Store them properly

Keeping your hearing aid batteries adequately stored is essential to maintaining their life and performance. Batteries should be stored in a clean, dry place. If they are stored in a damp area, condensation will accumulate, shortening their lifespan. Their lives will also be affected if they are kept in extreme temperatures. When ready to replace your batteries, wash your hands before inserting them. This helps prevent the transfer of natural oil from your hands to the battery. This oil can cause the battery to drain faster. The batteries should be stored in a container with a lid or a snap-tight lid. These containers should be placed on a high shelf. Keep them in a cabinet with a lock. If a lock is unavailable, use clear tape to seal the container. Batteries should not be stored in a refrigerator. The temperature and humidity in a refrigerator can cause condensation to build up on the batteries. When moisture builds up, the batteries will lose their capacity. If you cannot store your batteries correctly, you will have to replace them sooner or later. Batteries will begin to deteriorate after several years of use.