Home & Real Estate

Making Your Home More Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency is a common priority for many homeowners. After all, owning a home is expensive enough without having to pay extra for your oil, gas, or electricity. If you feel that you’re currently spending too much on your energy costs, you’re in luck. There are some easy methods you can employ that should help to reduce your energy costs and make living in your home more affordable. Before are six strategies to get you started:


Add Insulation

Perhaps the best place to start is with the insulation in your home. Insulation is a material that goes into your home that helps to regulate the temperature inside. If your home is older, the insulation in your walls and the attic insulation may not be as efficient as it could be. Adding more insulation or replacing your current insulation with a higher-quality material could make a big difference in your home’s energy efficiency. We highly recommend consulting with an insulation service provider in your area and asking them if your home needs improvement in this area.

Check the Quality of Your Roof

Another key area to inspect is your roof. Your roof plays an integral role in regulating the temperature inside your home. In the winter, it helps to trap your heat inside, while in the summer it can keep the outside temperatures at bay. Homes with older roofs may be using a lot of extra energy to maintain the temperatures in their home.

You should start by ensuring that there are no problems with your roof, such as missing shingles. After that, you may want to consider the materials used in your roof. Different roofing materials impact your home’s energy efficiency in different ways, so if it’s time for a new roof anyway, you’ll want to explore your different material options.

Seal Windows and Doors

Next, spend some time closely inspecting your windows and doors. These are common areas where the air inside your home can escape and the outside air can come inside. Make sure there are no gaps around your windows and that they close tightly. Then, inspect your doors and ensure they create a seal when closed. Many homes would benefit from a door sweep, which goes on the bottom of a door and creates a better seal. If you notice a lot of gaps around your windows or doors, it may be time to get new ones.

Get a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat is an easy upgrade you can make to any home that can significantly reduce your energy costs. Smart thermostats can do many things, including adjusting the temperature of your home based on the time of day. For example, you can set your smart thermostat to turn on your air conditioning 15 minutes before you typically arrive home from work in the summer. That way, your home is nice and cool when you walk in without running the AC all day.

Many smart thermostats also allow you to control them via a smartphone app, giving you more control over the temperature of your home when you’re away. As an added bonus, you can adjust the temperature without having to walk over to your thermostat, perfect for when you’re comfortable on the couch and want to bump the heat up a little.

Perform Regular HVAC Maintenance

The HVAC system in your home needs regular maintenance. Over time, dirt and other debris can collect inside the system, especially within the air filter. If you don’t regularly clean the HVAC system, it will have to work harder. You’ll then notice that your energy bills are climbing and that it takes longer to adjust the temperature inside your home. It’s a good idea to schedule regular HVAC maintenance at least twice a year. If you can’t do this, at least remember to replace the air filter yourself, as this is a big cause of underperforming HVAC systems.

Switch to Energy Efficient Appliances

Finally, consider swapping some of the older appliances in your home for more energy-efficient ones. Modern-day appliances, such as refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers, are all much better at conserving energy when you operate them. An easy thing to do is inspect your current appliances and see if they are Energy Star approved. You can also look for energy-conserving modes on these appliances for an additional way to reduce your power consumption. If you have an older appliance that isn’t optimized for energy conservation, consider upgrading to a newer model when you can.