Healthy Living

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last? Maintenance and Care Tips

Porcelain veneers are a life-changing addition to any smile. However, they’re temporary and will require replacing over time. Practicing good oral hygiene and avoiding situations that expose veneers to excessive forces, temperature extremes, and staining influences can prolong the lifespan of your restorations. Read on for some tips on how to achieve this!


Brush Daily

Like natural teeth, porcelain veneers require daily oral hygiene routines to maintain optimal health. Regular brushing and flossing remove plaque, which, if left unchecked, can result in cavities, gingivitis, and other dental problems. A daily mouthwash or fluoride rinse can reduce the risk of decay beneath your veneers.

Additionally, avoiding chewing on inedible objects or using your teeth as tools is essential. While it may be a difficult habit to break, it will protect your veneers and keep you from developing dental problems. In addition, if you are a chronic clencher or grinder, wearing a mouthguard while sleeping is a good idea to prevent damage to your natural teeth and veneers.

Finally, smoking harms your general and dental health and can discolor your porcelain veneers over time. If you need help quitting, talk to your dentist about smoking cessation aids. Porcelain veneers in Beverly Hills are crafted to match the shade of your surrounding teeth, but they can change color over time due to light and other factors. When this happens, visiting an experienced cosmetic dentist who can polish away more of the tint for a better match is essential. In addition, it is best to schedule routine cleanings and checkups every six months to keep your smile looking its best.

Floss Daily

Achieving a bright and healthy smile requires regular oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing. Doing so helps shield teeth from bacteria and food particles, which helps stop gum disease and tooth decay. It’s also essential to visit the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups. It is an excellent opportunity for the dentist to detect and treat dental problems, including veneer cracks or chips. Porcelain veneers are not stain-proof, so avoiding foods and drinks that can stain them is best. It includes dark-colored beverages, such as coffee and red wine, and foods with high sugar, like candy and ice. Tobacco products can also stain and weaken teeth, so it’s best to avoid them.

Brushing and flossing your teeth is a good idea, but when you have veneers, using non-abrasive toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles is especially important. The thin enamel coverings on your teeth are delicate, and an abrasive toothbrush or toothpaste can scratch them. It’s also a good idea to switch out your brush for an electric version, which uses less pressure and can be better for your teeth. It would help if you also considered wearing a mouthguard while sleeping to prevent teeth grinding and clenching, which can damage your natural teeth and veneers alike. This habit can also cause the bonding cement on your teeth to weaken, exposing them to increased wear and tear and staining.

Avoid Staining Foods

Just because you’ve got porcelain veneers doesn’t mean you can ignore your oral health. It would help if you kept up with daily dental care and cleanings to prevent plaque and tartar buildup, staining, and other common problems. Steer clear of stain-causing foods and beverages, such as dark fruits and vegetables, coffee, tea, and red wine. Reducing sugar consumption is beneficial as it can cause gum disease and tooth decay. A mouth guard can help you stop clenching or grinding your teeth (bruxism). You should also avoid biting down on complex objects like ice or popcorn kernels, visit the dentist every six months for an oral examination and cleaning, and chew with your back teeth to protect your veneers and the underlying tooth.

While it may seem like a pain to follow all these rules, maintaining proper oral hygiene will keep your natural teeth and porcelain veneers looking great for years to come! Remember that veneers are not permanent, so you’ll still need to replace them at some point. A set of porcelain veneers that fit well and are taken care of can last up to 15 years, but if you’re not careful, they may fade or chip too soon. 

Schedule Regular Checkups

Although porcelain veneers do not decay like natural teeth, some mouth areas can be vulnerable to bacteria and plaque buildup. For this reason, keeping your teeth clean and healthy requires scheduling routine dental exams. During these appointments, we can provide professional cleanings and polishing to remove buildup. We can also spot any issues early and address them promptly. It would help to avoid damaging habits that can damage your veneers. For instance, limiting your consumption of stain-causing substances such as coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco is recommended. It will help preserve their appearance and extend their lifespan.

Additionally, it is essential to avoid clenching or grinding your teeth. This habit can wear down the veneers over time, exposing the underlying structure to decay. We recommend using a mouthguard at night to prevent this from happening. Ultimately, it would help to avoid tearing packages open or opening bottles with your teeth. Your teeth may chip or crack due to the extra pressure you apply. It is best to use scissors instead. Lastly, visiting your dentist for a touch-up or replacement every 3 to 10 years is essential. During this procedure, your cosmetic dentist will apply a tooth-colored composite resin to correct crookedness or chips in your teeth.